Monday, February 18, 2008

My Glass Ornaments

I know it's not Christmas time, but I wanted to make these for a change of pace. I actually made the crayon kids ornament for my son's teacher last year, but I'm late on starting the whole blogging thing. Since Easter is around the corner, I tried a bunny ornament to see what it would look like. Next, I want to experiment with differents colors for these ornaments. I will post what I come up with.


pparker said...

These are adorable! How did you stamp the image on the ball? Did you use special ink to keepit from wiping off?

chsguardmom said...

I love this. How did you do this? I'm always looking for new ideas on teacher gifts.

Valarie said...

Beautiful! I love it. I would love to know how you did it too?

Esmeralda said...

I love these ornaments, so original. I was wondering if you had a tutorial for them or instructions? I am hosting my first SU party in years and am having a X-mas in July theme. These would be perfect. Thanks!

Lisa F said...

I too am interested in how you did this. Great project!

charlotte said...

Hi there
Just came upon your cute little ornaments. I too would love to know how you got them around the ball?
If you could please email me--that would be great